I got my Terky!
Terky was only available in Taiwan as part of the iCoke promotion originally, but now he’s available to everyone. At least, I think all servers can get him. His egg is hiding out in Borean Tundra, in the Riplash ruins (all the way to the south). You have to go to the north east most tip of the ruins, and fall into the water. There’s a crack of a cave entrance down a ways that lets you into the cave his egg is in.
On Cenarius, this place is a madhouse. I don’t know if they just lumped us with a dozen other servers or what, but there must have been 200 people there. Everyone and their molten corgi made it worse by deploying every toy they could to clutter things up. I was really lucky in that I snagged it in about 5 minutes of waiting.
Now, to level him up!